Montag, September 19, 2005

Fortune dagsins
Two friends, an Italian boy and a Jewish boy, come of age at the same time. The Italian boy's father presents him with a brand-new pistol. On the other side of town, at his Bar Mitzvah, the Jewish boy receives a beautiful gold watch. The next day, in school, the two boys are showing each other what they got. It turns out that each boy likes the other's present better, and so they trade.

That night, the Italian boy is at home and his father sees him looking at his new watch.
"Where did you getta thatta watch?" he asks.
The boy explains the trade, and the father blows his top.
"Whatta you? Stupidda boy? Whatsa matta you!"
"Somma day, you maybe gonna getta married. Then maybe somma day you gonna comma home and finda you wife inna bed with another man. Whatta you gonna do then? Looka atta you watch and say, `How longa you gonna be?'"

Helstu tíðindi
Helgin var alveg sorglega ömurleg. Byrjaði á því að fá ælupest á föstudaginn sem varð til þess að ég komst ekki á Sálarball með konunni, var síðan með hita mestallan laugardaginn og enn slappur á föstudaginn.... Er ekki enn búinn að jafna mig og lít út eins og afturúrkreistingur.
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